A mohawked birthday!

Yup, that`s me with Jared fucking Leto! Nu credeti? Ba sa credeti :D When you`re crazy and you know it raise your hand! *raies 2 hands*  Daca mai era vreo urma de indoiala ca eu si gentilomul Jared Leto nu aratam ca un cuplu de roacheri faini, cred ca the record was set straight tonight :D

Bless you Jared for all the rivers of art you have in that soul, for all your displaying tease and ofc that kindness. Happy b-day and stay nuts darling, I like you better that way! And...ehemmm, it`s hard to admit, but your hair looks better than mine *pouted lips*...even so, I`ll bring the cookies, you bring the Paris and let`s mohawk together!

xoxo, your soon to be wife in another Universe :)
